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Dali old town listed as national tourist resort

Updated:2021-01-13 15:20:35   Yunnan Gateway

The Dali ancient city was recently listed as a national tourist resort in a notice by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with other 14 scenic areas across the country. 

Located in the Dali county-level city in west Yunnan, the historical old town is the former sites of the Nanzhao Kingdom (738-902) and the Dali Kingdom (937-1094, 1096-1253). The area witnessed cultural exchanges between China and the Southeast Asian countries. And as a traditional business hub, the Dali old town is a rich source of the Bai culture and a melting pot of ethnic cultures. 

In recent years, the Dali town has been building a green tourist resort at the foot of Mt. Cangshan, which stands on the western bank of Lake Erhai. Using its waters and vegetations, the old town designed for tourists a diversity of leisure activities like hot-spring bathing, picking medicinal herbs and tea making. They allowed visitors to enjoy the idyllic peace there. 

In August 2020, the Yang Liping grand theater was built up in Dali ancient city. Featuring talent shows, exhibitions, art rooms and other entertainments, the theater further fused ethnic cultures into eco-tourism, turning itself a new height of Yunnan cultural tourism.

Source: Yunnan Tourism and Culture Times; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Dali national tourist resort