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Liujie grows to be top peasecod market in SW China

Updated:2021-04-09 09:51:06   

With a population of 13,000, the Liujie town in central Yunnan’s Jinning District has grown to be the largest peasecod market in southwest China, and it boasts an annual trading volume of 220 million yuan.

“Such full and stainless peasecod pieces are sold at the price of 13 yuan per kilo,” said Bi Xinghong, who has been trading peasecods for over a decade. Purchasing over three tonnages daily from local farmers, Bi send most peasecod to from Kunming to the coastal Guangdong province, with some exported to South Korea, Japan and others.

Besides the 1.2-hectare market, the peasecod plantations in Liujia cover 866.6 hectares with an annual output of 10,400 tonnages. The peasecod growers are either Liujie locals or farmer in nearby localities.

Duan Yunyao, a peasecod grower from the neighboring Mile city, sold his produce with his townsmen at the Liujie market, and they sell a total of 15 tons of peasecod pieces daily. “The market in Mile is much smaller and the price is lower,” said Duan.

Source: Yunnan Net; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Liujie peasecod market Jinning