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Yunnan goods first exported to Myanmar via 9810 code

Updated:2022-04-26 16:26:46   

The Yunnan Tengkun Company exported some building materials to Myanmar through the Qingshuihe port in west Yunnan’s Lincang city on April 22, using the 9180 customs supervision code for the first time.

As a cross-border e-commerce export model, the 9810 code has been available at Yunnan border gates since November 2021.

“The 9810 model has allowed Chinese companies to ship their goods to overseas warehouses in advance, and then deliver packages to the specific buyers as soon as the deal is finished on cross-border in e-commerce platforms,” said a staffer at Kunming customs.

Different from traditional cross-border e-commerce, the 9810 business mode means the commodities can be replenished flexibly, and the foreign exchange could be settled according to the sales overseas. 

“Including tiles, glass, door locks and more, our 60-ton goods were delivered from Qingshuihe to the warehouse in Myanmar,” said Zhao Zhong, the Tengkun manager, adding more products will be exported via the 9810 mode.

So far, Lincang city has made the 9610, 9710 and 9810 export services available at the Qingshuihe port, with the trial operation of 9810 mode going on at the Nansan check point. 

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue and Wang Qing

Keywords:   Yunnan Myanmar 9810 code