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Yunnan export via 1039 code reaches 453 million yuan

Updated:2022-05-16 18:17:16   

In the first four months of 2022, Yunnan province has exported goods worth 453 million yuan (about 66.7million dollars) via the 1039 customs supervision code, a market procurement trading mode launched in September 2020 in Kunming, the provincial capital.

Involving hardware, shoes and other products from Yunnan’s small- and medium-sized enterprises, these goods were exported to southeast and south Asian countries by the market procurement trade.

The mode of “China-Laos railway plus 1039 code” helped the local enterprises in expanding market shares and increasing sales volume. 

Yunnan provincial export via the 1039 code added up to 4.85 billion yuan last year, involving 89 countries and regions. 

Source: Yunnan Daily; Trans-editing by Wang Qing

Keywords:   Yunnan 1039 code
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