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Chongqing launches new freight link to Myanmar

Updated:2022-05-24 18:00:38   

The Chongqing municipality in southwest China has launched a new freight train on May 23, helping carry Chinese goods to Myanmar.

Involving mechanical equipment, electronic accessories and more, the goods will first reach southwest Yunnan’ s Lincang city, and then transferred by road transport to north Myanmar’s city of Mandalay.

The Chongqing-Mandalay freight time will be slashed by 20 days and the cost will be cut by 20 percent compared with the traditional land-sea route.

The goods are expected to arrive in Mandalay in 15 days, from where they could be further exported to south Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Source: Xinhua Net; Trans-editing by Wang Qing

Keywords:   China-Myanmar railway
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