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Price of pigs recovers slowly, losses continue

Updated:2022-04-21 10:29:25   China Daily

The price of pigs has halted its fall and begun rising again since late March as a result of increased demand for pork during the Qingming holiday and recent market regulations, an official with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs told a news conference on Wednesday.

Yang Zhenhai, director of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, said the average price on Tuesday for pigs in major centers of production was 12.85 yuan (about $2.00) per kilogram, an increase of 1.34 yuan on its lowest point on March 18.

"However, pig farms have yet to turn losses into profits. In March, each pig sold for slaughter sold at a loss of 327 yuan, 153 yuan more than the loss in February," Yang said.

Local authorities have been urged to support pig farmers to prevent a sharp decline in production capacity. Relevant departments are asked not to limit or eliminate loans to breeding and processing operations to help them through their financial difficulties.

Measures have been taken to help farmers resolve the problems facing the transportation of feed, drugs, and animal products that have resulted from epidemic prevention measures, and maintain normal production.

Given favorable factors, such as the adjustment in the number of newborn piglets, and the drop in the cost of feed, bureau experts predict that pig farms should make profits again in the third quarter. 

Keywords:   Price pigs