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Bird watcher captures photos of rare ibis in Yunnan

Updated:2022-05-11 11:02:05   People's Daily Online

(Photo/People's Daily APP)

Photographs of a glossy ibis, a rare bird once thought extinct in China, were captured by a bird watcher on May 8 at a wetland located in the southern section of the Dianchi Lake in Jinning district, Kunming city, southwest China’s Yunnan Province.

When it was sighted, the bird was seen foraging and resting at the wetland, together with other birds.

(Photo/People's Daily APP)

The glossy ibis, a close relative of the endangered crested ibis, is under first-class state protection in China. Experts once believed the birds were extinct in the country.

Feathers cover most of the bird’s surface. Much of the bird’s body is maroon in color, with the wing coverts presenting metallic green and bronze colors.

In recent years, Jinning district has ramped up efforts to build wetlands on the bank of the Dianchi Lake, having enlarged the habitat for various birds. The wetlands, which provide a sound living environment and an abundant food supply for wild birds, are attracting an increasing number of wild birds to nearby sites.

(Photo/People's Daily APP)

Keywords:   Yunnan Ibis
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