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Rime on girl’s hair admired in Guangdong

Updated:2022-02-25 18:28:19   

The rime was formed on a girl’s long hair when she was climbing the mountain in the southeast Guangdong’s Qingyuan city on February 19. A rare snow storm hit the northern area of Guangdongn, forming a spectacular snowscape.

A boy was exhilarated and filmed the scene of the girl’s climbing. “The temperature was as low as minus 6 degrees, her hair was iced in around 30 minutes,” said the boy.

Snow is seldom seen in Guangdong, so tourists were thrilled. “The best hair style is created by nature,” commented a viewer at the video.

Another viewer showed admiration to her thick and long hair with ice.

Online source; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi 

Keywords:   Rime girl hair Guangdong