Inheritor of making technique of Chinese Pu'er tea
Li has kept his mind over the past few decades on studying the traditional making techniques of famous Chinese Pu'er tea, which is mainly produced in Yunnan. In 2012, Li built a Pu'er tea promotion base to voluntarily teach people the traditional hand-made tea techniques.
Expressway bridge under construction in Jingdong, Yunnan
The expressway, considered as a main traffic artery linking China's western provinces to Southeast Asian countries, is expected to be open to traffic by the end of 2020.
The province has invested about 34.4 billion yuan (4.88 billion U.S. dollars) in anti-poverty efforts, which has resulted in a total of 707,500 people being lifted out of poverty over the years.
Livestreaming livens up tea sales in Yunnan
Livestreaming has become a new way for people in Ning'er Hani and Yi autonomous county, Southwest China's Yunnan province recently to promote and sell pu-er tea and other local specialties.
China issues coupons to stimulate consumption
Nearly 50 cities from 16 provinces and regions issued coupons with cumulative value ranging from millions to hundreds of millions of yuan by April 8.
Peeling fruits, Yunnan sales girl makes a hit on Taobao
Wearing Bai costumes and a sweet smile, Ms. Ma Lingmin is a "post-1995" girl from west Yunnan’s Dali prefe...
Can coronavirus be spread through the air?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is primarily transmitted through "respiratory droplets and close contacts", and it doesn't seem to stay long in the air.
Yunnan province restricts border crossings into China
Yunnan's border of more than 4,000 kilometers features 25 ports of entry in border cities and prefectures. Those places are facing a high risk of coronavirus infections brought from neighboring countries that are experiencing increases.
A look at three lives after the COVID-19 epidemic in China
Here are the stories of how three foreigners were impacted by the shutdown in three very different ways, and what they have learned from the experience.
Latest guide on how to wear masks
Masks offer protection against the novel coronavirus, flu and other respiratory infectious diseases. They protect not only the wearer, but also the other people.
Amid the global battle against the Covid-19, Yunnan Television Station joined hands with Chinese pop stars in cre...
Trackers in bid to stop elephants wreaking havoc
Enhanced protection has led to a rise in the number of the mammals in the country from more than 170 in the 1990s to about 300 currently.
Anti-poverty effort pushes ranking up
The progress was largely driven by the improvements in enterprise conditions and people's living conditions in China, given that the domestic poverty rate dropped from 19 percent in 2009 to less than 1 percent last year.
Flower planting industry in Yunnan helps boost locals' income
Jinning District of Kunming has been developing flower planting industry in recent years as a way to boost the income of local people. In 2019, the flower planting area in this district was about 53,900 mu (about 3593 hectares).
Int’l students in Yunnan share tips against Covid-19
So far, China has basically brought the Covid-19 under control. In Kunming, blossoms are here and there, and bus...
The gulls first visited Kunming in large scale in the winter of 1985. Since then, flocks of the gulls come to the city to get through the winter every year.
Wear masks sensibly
It is recommended to wear disposable medical masks in low-risk areas and wear surgical masks in high-risk areas. But it is unnecessary to wear a mask in open place.
The wild species is endemic to China under top-level national protection and was classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.
Popular tourist city in SW China sees recovery of pillar industry
The Chongsheng Temple Scenic Area is among a growing number of tourist attractions in Dali that have resumed operations as the COVID-19 epidemic is leveling off across China. The city's hard-hit tourism industry is showing signs of a rebound with the rising influx of visitors.
As a province with abundant forestry and grassland resources and also a large impoverished population, Yunnan has invested more than 38 billion yuan (about 5.36 billion U.S. dollars) in ecological poverty-relief programs since 2016, to promote ecological protection while increasing the income of the poverty-stricken group.
The worst of times, the best of times
During the crisis, Tan learned that some people around her were infected with the virus and died, and she witnessed how medical staff raced against the clock to save lives. She certainly saw the best of her compatriots.
The trackers need to gather data through all senses, listening to the sounds of elephants, observing their footprints and smelling their excrement to judge the situation and location of the giants.
Hemp growers sowing seeds of expansion
The CBD has come under the international spotlight in the past five years after research suggested it could be used to treat many problems, including anxiety and insomnia, and as an analgesic.
Volunteers test COVID-19 vaccine
The first batch of 108 volunteers arrived in Wuhan on Tuesday to receive inoculations after a clinical trial of the novel coronavirus vaccine in China kicked off last Monday. All recipients will be under a 14-day quarantine after vaccination.
Chinese tourists still willing to travel after the epidemic
Currently, a large number of tourist attractions across the nation have reopened to the public.[Photo/Xinhua]The po...
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