Band performs under Xiyuan flyover in Kunming
A member of the Happy Band is performing under the Xiyuan flyover in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province.Establis...
High-speed rail brings about a happy life
[Editor’s Note] During this year’s National Day holiday, the railways of Yunnan province handled 2.233 ...
Sixty percent of the world's snow leopard habitats are located in China, according to a report released by t...
Chinese authorities have allocated funds and supplies to landslide-hit Tibet Autonomous Region as well as Sichuan ...
CIIE will enable deepened trade between China and Western Australian enterprises: WA Treasurer
Aerial photo taken on Oct. 19, 2018 shows the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), the main venu...
The world's biggest plantation of macadamias is not found in Hawaii or Australia but stretches across the mou...
China has confirmed new outbreaks of African swine fever in southwestern province of Yunnan, the Ministry of Agri...
Entities set up in Yunnan to increase residents' incomes
A farmer sorts out chilies in Jiayi Town of Yanshan County, southwest China's Yunnan Provicne, on Oct. 16, 2...
An international coffee conference will be held in southwest China's Yunnan Province in November.The 2018 Asian...
Farmers harvest quinoa in Xiaozhongdian Town
Pictures taken recently show local farmers harvest quinoa in Xiaozhongdian Town, Diqing Prefecture’s Shangri-La...
Foreign experts praise macadamia development in Lincang
The 8th International Macadamia Symposium was opened in Lincang City, southwest Yunnan Province in the evening of...
When traditions offer livelihood
Women learn Tibetan carpet weaving at a vocational training course offered by a project of Yunnan Agricultural Un...
YAG and Groupe ADP agree to enhance cooperation
On October 12, Yunnan Airport Group (YAG) and Groupe ADP jointly signed a letter of intent for strategic coopera...
Rainfall causes temperature to fall below 10 ° C
Rainfall persisted in Kunming, Yunnan Province these days.On October 10, the temperature in Kunming dropped below ...
Bai people: Singing love songs till getting old
Arrange a time and place, the Bai people then greet each other by love songs, said Wang Zhongkuan, vice chairma...
Cooperation between China and Tajikistan continues to rapidly develop and score results under the framework of the...
40 years on: Changes in employment
Editor: John Li
Archaeologists in southwest China's Yunnan Province have unearthed a cluster of 209 tombs believed to be from...
Miao love songs: Wonderful prose in free expressions
In southeast Yunnan’s Maguan County, Miao people show their emotions via creative singing. Every year from t...
1,314 chickens roasted simultaneously in Menghai County
A total of 1,314 chickens were roasted simultaneously on September 27 to serve the visitors who were in the sou...
Shuitian love songs: We sing what we see in poetic ways
Shuitian love songs are poetic. In Shilongba Township of Huaping County in the junction of Yunnan and Sichuan, S...
Belt and Road School inaugurated at Beijing Normal University
A school dedicated to conducting research and cultivating professionals for the Belt and Road Initiative was inaug...
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