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Yunnan college girl’s way home -- an 'odyssey' no more

Updated:2018-01-26 10:43:21   english.yunnan.cn

New highways

In 2017, Yunnan saw tremendous progress in building transport facilities, with more highways making people’s life easier.

According to the Yunnan province highway meeting on June 21, 2017, all 125 counties (county-level cities, districts) will soon have highways, and another 6,000 km highway will be built in three years. By 2020, the highway mileage in Yunnan will reach 10,000 km. The following is a list of the Yunnan highways built in 2017.

1. The Xiaomengyang-Mohan highway

Put into trial operation on September 28, the 167-kilometer highway further linked up the China-Laos border town of Mohan. The Xiaomengyang-Mohan travel time was reduced from 3 hours to 1.5 hours.

2. The Wuding-Yimen highway

Open to traffic on June 29, the Wuding-Yimen highway further connect the central Yunnan cities of Chuxiong, Kunming and Yuxi, as well as four counties and nine towns in the area.

3. The Jinning-Hongta highway

Opened on November 8, the 49-km highway is the short cut between west Kunming and Yuxi.

4. The Lincang Airport highway

Put to service on December 18, the 16.5-kilometer project is Lincang’s first highway, with bridges and tunnels making up 58.3% of its length.

5. The Mengzi-Wenshan-Yanshan highway

The highway further facilitate communications between the Honghe and Wenshan prefectures in south and southeast Yunnan.

The highway opened on November 15, reducing the Honghe-Wenshan bus-trip from 4 hours to 1.5 hours.

6. The Zhanyi-Huize highway

The highway opened on June 23, linking up Xuanwei City, Zhanyi District and Huize County, as well as the G85 and G56 national highways.

7. The Xuanwei-Qujing highway

On November 30, the Xuanwei-Qujing highway opened to traffic, saving one hour for the Xuanwei-Qujing, Xuanwei-Huize and Kunming-Liupanshui bus trips.

Keywords:   College girl home odyssey