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Jinuo villager in south Yunnan gets rich via agritourism

Updated:2019-06-12 18:37:13   Yunnan Gateway

Zimei (right) and his sister-in-law, both Jinuo villagers in south Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, put up bamboo curtains for visitors on June 10. 

The Bapiao village where Zimei lives and runs an agritainment hotel

Zimei sorts out traditional crafts for sale on June 10.

Zimei is a Jinuo villager in south Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.

Thanks to China's poverty-alleviation policy in recent years, she has engaged in agrotourism and opened an agritainment hotel in the countryside, selling local specialties like tea, wild honey and Jinuo crafts. As a result, she bettered off greatly.

The Jinuo/Jino is one of the Yunnan ethnic groups who directly entered the socialist society from primitiveness after the founding of the PRC in 1949.

Keywords:   Jinuo villager agritourism
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