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How amazing the western Yunnan tourist loop is!

Updated:2019-04-24 18:06:00   Yunnan Daily

Gongshan: Pearl of the Three Parallel River area

Gongshan is the northernmost county in Nujiang Prefecture. The Bingzhongluo Town is the most beautiful in the Nu River Gorge. Everyone who comes to visit the town is intoxicated by the tranquil and pastoral scenes.

Here, the idyllic Wuli Village is where the Ancient Tea and Horse Road passes through. Houses scatter in graceful disorders in the green fields. When cooking time comes, smoke curls upwards from kitchen chimneys of each house. What a tranquil and harmonious view it is!

Here, the Qiunatong Village, located at the northernmost of Nu River Gorge, is just like a scroll of painting. With dense, primitive forest, and multiple waterfalls, Qiunatong is regarded as a paradise for hikers.

Text and Photos from Yunnan Daily news app

Keywords:   Yunnan tourist loop
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