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Enjoy tasty rose dishes in Anning city, central Yunnan

Updated:2020-06-05 18:42:06   Yunnan Gateway

In the Bajie town of Aning city, central Yunnan province, Chef Su Qinxian runs a restaurant specializing rose cuisines.

Trials and errors at first 

Su Qinxian is the chef of the “rose feast”. She opened the Bafangyuan restaurant in 2013 and all the dishes served to the feast were cooked by her.

At first, Su Qinxin had no experience in making flower cuisines, and she made many mistakes, but she did not give up. Then, she kept on picking roses and cooking new dishes for a month. Having cooked the initial 12 rose dishes, she fell in love with the career cherished by her in the following years. 

The ingredients for the “rose feast” must be gathered before 9 a.m. every day, for the tender rose petals blooming are expected to be collected in time. 

Localization of rose dishes

The key to cooking the special dishes is to keep the fresh look of roses while getting rid of their improper taste. Su Qinxian came up with an idea that the flowers are processed with vinegar before cooking. And it proved all right. 

In particular, locals in Anning don’t like the original taste of sweetness. Su Qinxian localized her rose feast by adding other local foods, so that the flower cuisines are more acceptable. 

Rose feasts in April and May 

Among the roses, the ones that bloom first in a year feature more aroma and thicker petals than the subsequent roses. 

Anning city is unique in natural environment and its first flowers bloom in late April and May, during which tourists flock to the Bajie town for the rose dishes.

After many adjustments for a better taste, more visitors are willing to try the rose feast now. Su needs to prepare as many as 83 tables of dishes daily. 

Famers enriched by roses

The “rose dishes” are not the only flower product popular in the Bajie town, Anning city. Roses are also added to the special breads, candies, soaps and drinks, which all sell well and are popular across China now.

Also, the famers are working with food companies to develop new rose products. 

“Many of the rose famers have renovated the shabby houses for growing roses increased the income a lot,” said Li Zhenghai, Party chief of the Bajie town.

Li added that many low-income families got rid of poverty by growing roses. Next, the town will develop the rose industries for sustainable development. 

Source: Xinhua; trans-editing by Li Yushuangyue and Wang Shixue

Keywords:   rose dishes Anning Yunnan