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Heart-warming images of birds

Updated:2020-10-10 18:20:46   Yunnan Gateway

The Kunming Golden Temple scenic spot, a 4A-level of its kind, is one of the bird-watching spots for citizens in Kunming. For its lush forest, the scenic spot is home to more than 20 species of wild birds. During the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday which lasted from October 1 to 8, local photographer Lu Zhong spent hours catching heart-warming images of birds while they were flying back to their nests, frolicking in the trees and singing in the air in scenic spot. 

The Kunming Golden Temple scenic spot is famous for its long history and profound culture. The Golden Temple, built with 250 tons of brass, is the landmark of the scenic spot. First built in 1602 and rebuilt in 1671, the temple is the largest brass architecture in China. (Photo by Lu Zhong) 

Keywords:   images birds