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Day to cherish at start of new journey

Updated:2021-07-02 10:25:22   China Daily

Young people wave national flags and Party flags to celebrate the centenary of the Communist Party of China at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on Thursday. SHEN HONG/XINHUA

In terms of the nation's development on the new journey ahead, Xi emphasized the need to deepen reform and opening-up across the board, fully and faithfully implement the new development philosophy, foster a new development paradigm, promote high-quality growth and build up the country's strength in science and technology.

He also warned against challenges and risks facing the Party, particularly due to complex changes in the international landscape, and called for efforts to coordinate development and security imperatives.

Saying that the characteristic that distinguishes the CPC from other political parties is its courage to reform itself, Xi called for continuing to strengthen Party building.

"We must tighten the Party's organizational system, work hard to train high-caliber officials who have both moral integrity and professional competence, remain committed to improving Party conduct, upholding integrity, and combating corruption, and root out any elements that would harm the Party's advanced nature and purity and any viruses that would erode its health," Xi said.

"We must ensure that the Party preserves its essence, color and character, and see that it always serves as the strong leadership core in the course of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era."

Keywords:   cherish start new journey