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Go-Yunnan app grows even smarter

Updated:2021-11-30 10:00:52   Yunnan Tourism and Culture Times

China has paid close attention to the development of the digital economy, accelerated digital industrialization and industry digitalization, and pushed forward deep integration of the digital economy and real economy to promote high-quality economic development. Participants of the expo will deepen communication and cooperation, and discuss and share ways of developing the digital economy to better benefit people all over the world.

-- Taken from President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter to the 2019 China International Digital Economy Expo

A promotional event for the Go-Yunnan app at Kunming airport (File photo/Yunnan Daily) 

Go-Yunnan app grows even smarter

“During my tour in Yunnan not long ago, I used the Go-Yunnan app for booking tickets, which save me time and hundreds of yuan via online discounts,” said a tourist surnamed Zhang, who is attending university in southeast China’s Fujian province. Lauding the facial recognition and multimedia guide on the app, Zhang added he loves independent travel, and Go-Yunnan is really practical for him.

“A personal experience! The app told me the Electric Toll Collection (ETC) lane at the west Kunming toll station is unimpeded and the fee can be paid on WeChat. Special thanks to the smart ETC service. Last night saw traffic overflow at the toll station, and at least a half-hour queuing was needed without the ETC. It was great.” A netizen commented on the Go-Yunnan app.


The Go-Yunnan app provides digital service for the Jade-Dragon snow mountain scenic area in Lijiang, northwest Yunnan.  (Photo/Yunnan Daily) 

“The ticket awards were liked by 300 on WeChat and 10,000 on Douyin. And the first prize includes tickets of scenic spots and 4-starred hotels, as well as return air tickets,” said a person in charge of the culture and tourism bureau of northwest Yunnan’s Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture. They are promoting local tour packages on the smart Go-Yunnan app that offered a new channel for Shangri-La to be known by the world.

Cultural tourism is a pillar industry in Yunnan. Over the years, the province has been trying to make its tourist sector high-end, international, special and digitalized. Taking the Go-Yunnan app as a breakthrough, Yunnan has restructured and upgraded its tourism.


A promotional event for the Go-Yunnan app at Kunming airport (File photo/Yunnan Daily) 

The Go-Yunnan app consists of one center and two platforms: the Big-Data center, the overall tourism management platform and the overall tourist service center. They are all instrumental to local tourism restructure and upgrade. By re-sorting the tourist resources and re-building the credit system, market rules and tourist brands, the app has improved the development approach, management mode and business procedures for Yunnan tourism.

Bringing global tourists fast, direct and safe services, as well as the ubiquitous management by the government, the app is expected to create a tourism ecology that is smart, healthy, easy and trustworthy.


A poster of the Go-Yunnan app at the Daguan(grand view) park in downtown Kunming (Photo/Yunnan Daily) 

Writing by Times reporters; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Go-Yunnan app smartness