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Dendrobium, an edible flower for health

Updated:2021-06-29 19:15:50   

The Pu 'er Dendrobium banquet is a combination of Chinese traditional medical theory and cooking practice. It is a kind of therapeutic meal made from Dendrobium and local ecological ingredients. In 2018, Pu 'er Dendrobium Feast was rated as one of Yunnan's top ten feasts in "Chinese Cuisine".

Pu’er is one of the main producers of Dendrobium in China. Over the years, Pu 'er has relied on abundant Dendrobium resources, promoting Dendrobium industry and launching Dendrobium products. In Pu 'er, Dendrobium-themed manors and restaurants are thriving. Among them, Pu 'er Baicao Garden, Nancaogen Dendrobium Science Park, Tianchang Biological Orchid Manor, and Dendrobium Manor are leading ones.

Dendrobium has important value in both health care and medication, especially in enhancing immunity, anti-aging, anti-fatigue, lowering blood sugar, promoting blood circulation, enhancing cardio-pulmonary functions and others. There are more than 80 kinds of wild Dendrobium in Pu 'er. For a long time, the herb has been a special food material for healthy drinks and meals.

Reporting by Zhu Zheng (Wenlv Headlines); Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi

Keywords:   Dendrobium edible flower