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Eco-vegetable by Yuxi company gains popularity

Updated:2021-03-25 14:39:40   

In Tonghai County of central Yunnan’s Yuxi City, workers at the Gaoyuan (Plateau) Agro-Company are busy loading fresh vegetables onto trucks, and the vegetables will soon be sent to domestic and overseas markets in succession.

Founded in 2003, the Yuxi Plateau Agro-Company has focused on vegetable breeding, growing, processing and marketing. Now it has nine patents and runs 50 plus vegetable varieties, especially dried radish and lettuce.

In spite of the Covid-19 infliction in 2020, the company achieved a business revenue of 720 million yuan, stabilizing its overseas market and further tapping the domestic market.

With the domestic and international markets reinforcing each other, the Gaoyuan company also tapped the ASEAN market, and its dehydrated vegetables were sold to Europe, America, Africa and the United Arab Emirates.

As for technical innovation, the company has joined hands with the Shenzhen-based Pagoda Group in growing the ecological vegetable. “Modern consumers attach more importance to good health, and the organic vegetable is favored thanks to its minimum of pesticide residue,” said Zhao Yingyun, general manger of the company.

However, the organic vegetable is quite particular about the soil, micro elements, temperature and humidity, and its price much higher than that of common vegetables, making it beyond the reach of average consumers.

Inspired by the realities and Pagoda’s BLOF theory, the Yuxi company came up with the idea of the 001 eco-vegetable, where zero chemicals, zero pesticide and the natural vegetable taste are emphasized.

In November 2020, the company began to grow 1.5 hectares of the 001 eco-vegetable, and by far the novel vegetable has been harvested and on sale at the branches of the Pagoda Group. “Our eco-vegetable is as good as the organic one, while its price is 30 to 40% lower,” said Zhao, adding the 001 vegetable has made a hit among consumers.

Now more 001 vegetables that involve fruit-like corns, fruity cabbages and baby cabbages are grown by the Gaoyuan company in bulk, and a new package and production line will soon be introduced, revealed Zhao. The company has embarked on a new way of producing eco-vegetables.

Source: Yunnan Daily App; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Eco-vegetables Yuxi Gaoyuan