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Yi people inherit pea porridge in Pu’er

Updated:2022-02-18 18:22:58   

Wang Hong, the inheritor of pea porridge or Xidoufen, has been making the snack for years in southwest Yunnan’s Pu'er city. Because of its unique methods, the food gains popularity in local households.

Xidoufen is a popular breakfast in Yunnan province. Made of pea power, it is often flavored with crushed garlic, ginger, coriander, spring onion, dry chili, flakes Sichuan pepper oil and more.

Dating back to the Hongwu reign of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1398), Xidoufen, emerged in central China. Then immigrants brought Yunnan the recipe, which was inherited by Yi people.

Wang Hong has affection for Xidoufen. Although modern technology has been used in cooking, she still insists on traditional processes, because she believes the taste passed down for generations cannot be changed.

Making Xidoufen tests people's patience, but when people appreciate it, everything is worthwhile. Xidoufen can be served with other foods. In 2020, it was entitled as intangible cultural heritage in Pu’er.

Source: Xinhua Net; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi  

Keywords:   people inherit porridge