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Iron roasted fish, famous dish in Pu’er

Updated:2022-02-25 18:07:55   

Located in Simao district, southwest Yunnan’s Pu’er city, the Ganlanba village is famous for a delicacy: tilapia fish roasted on iron plate. A farmhouse owner showed us how to cook this delicious dish.

First, scrape the tilapia’s scales, remove the viscera, and wash it with drinking water. Next, marinate the fish with chilies peppers, minced garlic, garlic sprouts, cilantro and others for a while. Then, grill it on an oiled iron plate until the fish skin turns golden.

The sizzling oil blended the fragrance of the spices, making the fish smell good. The fish skin tasted crispy, but the flesh was tender for the moisture remained in the iron plate.

Roasted tilapia is popular among diners because of its tender meat without needle-like fish bones. It is rich in protein and trace elements.

Source: Pu’er Radio and TV Station; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi 

Keywords:   Iron roasted fish Pu'er