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Buckwheat pancakes liked by Mojiang folks

Updated:2022-04-26 17:13:55   

The Hani people have always preserved the tradition of growing buckwheat and making “Kuqiao Baba” (buckwheat pancakes) for generations in Mojiang Hani autonomous county, southwest Yunnan’s Pu’er city.

A common grain there, the Tartary buckwheat is often made into wine, flour and pancakes. Kuqiao Baba is a traditional food in Mojiang, carrying locals’ childhood memory about their fore fathers.

The pancake tastes a little bit bitter but a unique fragrance makes the cake smell so good. The cake and homemade honey are a perfect match, indicating that life is bitter-sweet.

Source: Mojiang Digital Center; Trans-editing by Mo Yingyi 

Keywords:   Buckwheat pancakes Mojiang