China to speed up digital development
The proposals highlighted the development of the digital economy by promoting its deep integration with the real economy and building digital industrial clusters with international competitiveness.
Latest 5-Year Plan shows benevolence of China's system
Many around the world, especially in the United States, are still trapped in a benighted, primitive and perniciously toxic superstition that, of all the available choices, a democratic free market system is the best and most moral form of government.
Commentary: 'Dual circulation' to sustainable growth
While the mid-term "2035 vision" seeks to realize the primary modernization goals, it also offers the critical half-way path to 2050, when China is expected to become a modern socialist country.
China urges U.S. to stop political persecution, suppression against Chinese journalists
"In other words, the actual validity period of their visas was less than one week. For some, it is only three days," Wang said, adding that they were compelled to immediately file new extension applications.
Third-generation hybrid rice achieves high yield
The third-generation hybrid rice developed by Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice," and his team achieved a yield of 911.7 kg per mu (about 667 square meters) in an experiment in central China's Hunan Province.
European companies tap into Chinese market amid recovery
The Chinese market has continued to unleash potential for European multinational firms gradually recovering from the early impact of the coronavirus pandemic, a reassuring factor amid uncertainties still surrounding the global economic outlook.
China's new roadmap promotes own development, propels global growth
China has outlined the proposals of its 14th five-year plan, the latest development blueprint that sets the direc...
Bird banding goes on in Weishan, west Yunnan
In autumn each year, hundreds of thousands birds in China flew southward all the way to south Asia and southeast Asia for wintering, with some migration routes passing through west Yunnan.
China's Five-Year Plan: Key CPC session draws 15-year roadmap for China's modernization
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has charted the course for China's development in the next 15 years to guide the country's march towards modernization.
Satellites offer better weather forecasting
Higher spatial resolution and shorter imaging time are key to further developing China's meteorological satellites to better forecast weather-related disasters and facilitate economic activities, experts say.
China's Yunnan Baiyao Group on Thursday announced that its net profit attributable to shareholders topped 4.25 billion yuan (about 633.7 million U.S. dollars) in the first three quarters of 2020, an increase of 20.08 percent year on year.
The cumulative amount of cross-border renminbi settlement in southwest China's Yunnan Province reached around 45.75 billion yuan (about 7.1 billion U.S. dollars) in the first three quarters of this year, according to a local branch of the country's central bank.
Experts laud China's economic rebound, role for world
China's resilient economic performance, supported by the government's coordinated response to effectively contain the novel coronavirus in the country, could become an important lifeline for the global economic recovery, experts said in response to China's latest economic data.
How China's Xinjiang is tackling new COVID-19 outbreak
China's Xinjiang is dealing with a new COVID-19 outbreak in its southern prefecture of Kashgar.
A Chinese military spokesperson on Tuesday voiced firm opposition to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, urging the United States to immediately stop military contact with and arms sales to the island.
Tesla exports made-in-China Model 3 as global carmakers ride on China's opening-up
U.S. carmaker Tesla began exporting its made-in-China Model 3 to Europe on Tuesday, signaling the rapid development of foreign automakers in China amid the country's opening up of the auto sector.
CIIE to bring hope, confidence to global economy, says scholar
The CIIE will also help stimulate China's domestic demand. And the CIIE will be beneficial not only to Chinese enterprises but also to those overseas, serving as a shot in the arm for the latter during hard times.
The fifth plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee is being held between Oct 26 and 29 in Beijing. The proposals of China's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for economic and social development will be assessed during the session.
China to impose sanctions on U.S. firms, individuals, entities over Taiwan arms sales
China has decided to impose sanctions on relevant U.S. enterprises involved in the latest arms sales to Taiwan as well as individuals and entities playing a "vile role" in the process, as "necessary steps" to protect its national interests.
China will push its capital market to open wider to the world, shifting from being partially open to full-scale and institutional opening-up, an official with the country's top securities regulator said Saturday.
Temperature drop results in first snowfalls in Yunnan
Low temperature persisted in Yunnan localities over the past few days, resulting in rainfalls and first snowfalls in late autumn.
World Press Briefing participants positive about Beijing 2022
The virtual World Press Briefing (WPB) for Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games closed on Thursday, with participants hearing the updates on the Games from the organizers BOCOG.
China urges the United States to cease arms sales to and military contact with Taiwan, and cancel relevant arms sales plans, to avoid further damages to China-U.S. ties and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, a spokesperson with the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
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