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Poverty relief brings changes in Yunnan villages

Updated:2018-01-25 11:09:44   english.yunnan.cn


In the past five years:

Yunnan carried out targeted poverty alleviation, focusing on the needy in Yunnan’s four poorest areas. In total, the province invested 38.08 billion yuan to relieve poverty.

Diqing, Nujiang and Zhaotong reduced poverty via collective resettlement, industries cultivation, and improved education and health care. 5.56 million were lifted out of poverty.

In 2017 only:

Yunnan invested 11.78 billion yuan in poverty relief, an year-on-year increase of 26%19.5 billion yuan was raised for agriculture projects. 

540,000 jobs were created for local migrant workers. 200,000 were collectively resettled in better places. 

Around 320,000 shabby houses were renovated. Poverty alleviation benefited 579,000, with 890,000 rural pupils subsidized. 

Medi-care covers all of the needy. 1.15 million was lifted out of poverty.

Editing by Zhu Dongran, Wang Shixue

Keywords:   Yunnan story village