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Land use changes to lift pork production

Updated:2019-12-20 10:12:05   China Daily

The production of hogs should get a boost with the recent release of a document allowing the construction of larger agriculture-related facilities.
Limits for the maximum area of land allowed for the construction of pig farms -1 hectare- have been removed, according to the document released by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Instead, the local government can set maximums based on their own conditions, said the document.

It also allowed facilities and buildings that are directly used for the production of agricultural products, including crops, livestock, poultry and aquatic products to be built on ordinary farmland.

Multistory buildings for agricultural production are also allowed - a policy seen as preferential to encourage hog production.

"Agricultural production should be supported by high-tech facilities that can recycle waste and be eco-friendly," said Liu Mingsong, director of the farmland protection and supervision department under the Ministry of Nature Resources.

He said China is improving its agricultural technology, and the land management policies should catch up with current needs.

In some mountainous regions, the construction of facilities using land designated for permanent farmland will be authorized after evaluation by local departments.

Liu said the policy will encourage pig farmers in mountainous regions, such as Yunnan and Guizhou.

"But basically, we will stick to the principle of not occupying permanent farmland. If the use of such farmland can't be avoided, local counties should redesignate an equivalent size of farmland as a replacement," Liu said.

China will establish a national territory planning system by 2020 guided by three "red lines". The line designating permanent farmland - about 103 million hectares - aims to bolster safety, improve quality and prevent farmland from being used for other purposes.

"We are now conducting surveys and will list other farmland as backup, if some of the permanent farmland is occupied for other uses. The result will be unveiled early next year," said Pan Wenbo, director of plantation management under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Editor: John Li

Keywords:   pork production
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