Chinese businessman to set up five small industrial parks in Africa
Yiqiao Yin in 1998 was amongst one of the earliest private Chinese businessmen to invest in Africa. Photo by Fu...
Four new bird species found at birding festival in south Yunnan
The discovery of four new bird species was the unexpected highlight of the 6th Birding Festival of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) held in Southwest China's Yunnan province from Sunday to Tuesday. The discovery brings the total number of bird species at the garden to 271.
Xundian potato painting goes viral online
When potatoes meet cooks, they become delicacies. But when they meet artists, can they become works of art. Rece...
Chinese police repatriate 4th U.S. fugitive this year
A Chinese police officer hands over a U.S. fugitive's personal belongs to the U.S. police. (File photo/China ...
Yunnan veteran of expeditionary force dies at 94
File photo of Nie Zhengzhao. (Photo: China News Service/Hu Jiaxing)Nie Zhengchao, who fought with the Chinese Expe...
[In term] Eating soil
For the catchy term today, we offer you "eating soil".Eating soil (吃土pinyin: chī tǔ) literally means one bein...
[In term] Taolu
For the catchy term today, we offer you "taolu".Editor: Eric Wang
[In term] Time travel
For the catchy term today, we offer you "time travel".Editor: Eric Wang
[In term] Fly myself
Editor’s note: For the catchy term today, we offer you "fly myself".Editor: Eric Wang
[In term] 打call
Editor’s note: For the catchy term today, we have "打call".Editor: Eric Wang
The recent explosion of a shooting star over South China's Yunnan Province has thrown the already disorderly ...
[In term] Meowian
Editor’s note: For ourcatchy term today, we have a newly-coined word "Meowian". It is related to a popular comedy Meow debuting on July 14. Editor: Eric Wang
Adorable cats capture attention in Kunming
A variety of adorable cats participate in the Yunnan First CFA International Cat Show in Kunming, Southwest China...
[In term] I want to be undisturbed
Editor’s note: For our trendy term today, we actually have a catchy phrase "I want to be undisturbed".Editor: Eric Wang
China's 'barefoot' African doctor to take TCM to Africa
African doctor Diarra Boubacar gives acupuncture treatments to a patient at a traditional Chinese medicine hospital...
Rare white tiger sextuplets born in Yunnan zoo
Five of the white tiger sextuplets are seen at a Yunnan zoo in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan...
Zambian John supports the CPC policy
“I can understand the report given by Xi Jinping, and I am also a supporter of the CPC policy.” On October 18, John Mabo was listening to the live broadcast of the 19 CPC
A wealthy passage for Dulongjiang people
Entering Dizhengdang Village, Dulongjiang Township in northeast Yunnan's Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County...
Face recognition applied to money withdrawal in Kunming banks
Without ID card, without bank card, how can you withdraw money from a bank? Recently, bank ATMs equipped with f...
33rd year, seagulls come back to Kunming
Black-headed seagulls come to winter in Kunming for the 33rd year. On October 8, more than 300 black-headed seag...
Meteor fireball lights up mid-Autumn night sky in NW Yunnan
A large meteor illuminated the mid-Autumn night sky in China's Yunnan Province on Wednesday, with onlookers ca...
710 mln trips to be made during 8-day holiday: report
This file photo shows crowded tourists on the Great Wall in Beijing. (Photo/thepaper,cn)The number of tourist trip...
Sichuan-Tibet section of the National Highway 318 features dangerous winding mountain roads and 12 peaks that rise...
Matsutake: King of mushrooms
Matsutake, also called tricholoma matsutake, is a kind of precious natural edible mushrooms and renowned as "the ...
In Kunming, even traffic jam can be a joyful occasion
Video taken by a Yunann Daily repoter show forengners dance and sing to cheer up people on a section of the K...
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