Chinese vaccines help global COVID-19 fight
China has provided over 1.5 billion doses of its COVID-19 vaccines to 106 countries and four international organizations this year, playing a significant role in reining in the virus and advancing global collaboration.
Five criteria for national parks revealed
Five criteria for China's national parks were announced on Oct. 25 by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, aiming to preserve the country's nature reserves more scientifically.
A Chinese research team has successfully designed a 66-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing system named "Zuchongzhi 2.1," significantly enhancing the quantum computational advantage Oct. 26.
China's top environmental apparatus has vowed more efforts to enhance green, low-carbon cooperation with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, including technology transfer and capacity building.
Beijing 2022 Olympic medals design unveiled with 100 days to go
Beijing 2022 unveiled the design of the medals for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games on Oct. 26, exactly 100 days before the Games begins.
COP15: Speech by President resonates with international audience
The just-concluded COP15 to the UN Biodiversity Convention has aroused heated discussion among the international audience, some of whom spoke highly of the keynote speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the event.
200,000 ray-finned fish fries bred in Yunnan
A research team led by Kunming Institute of Fisheries Sciences has domesticated more than 200,000 fries of the ray-finned fish (anabarilius alburnops) over the past years.
Chinese mainland reports 29 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases
The Chinese mainland on Oct. 25 reported 29 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said in its daily report on Oct. 26.
Kunming, Beijing meetings set new directions for world
The first part of the UN Biodiversity Conference, or COP 15, wrapped up in Kunming on Oct 15, followed a day later by the conclusion of the Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Beijing.
LMTC alliance conference held in Chongqing
The Lancang-Mekong Tourist Cities (LMTC) Cooperation Alliance Conference, also the Lancang-Mekong Mayor Forum on Culture and Tourism, was held on Oct 21 in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality.
Cotton harvest going on in Xinjiang  
Farmers in Shawan, a major cotton-growing area of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, have star...
50 years on, China remains committed to advancing UN cause
"China has stood with pride and contributed to the international community," commented Abdulla Shahid, president of the 76th session of the UNGA. "China has played a very, very important role in multilateralism and strengthening the United Nations."
Epidemiological investigation and viral genome sequencing results in hand have indicated that this new round of COVID-19 infections in China was caused by viruses transmitted from abroad.
Chinese authorities on Oct. 24 unveiled a guiding document on the country's work to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals under the new development philosophy, laying out key specific targets and measures for the coming decades.
Yunnan province has rolled out Covid-19 booster shots for targeted groups to strengthen their immunity to the virus.
The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have issued a guideline underpinning green development in urban and rural areas on Oct. 21.
Beijing launches self-driving vehicle tests
Beijing has officially opened roads for "unmanned" driving scenarios and carried out the self-driving vehicle tests orderly in multiple phases.
Sniffer dog performs great in his work
Xuanzhan, a young sniffer dog, has made great performances in mine clearance. Working at a Wenshan border police station in southeast Yunnan, he has detected three land mines and one rocket shell in five days.
China's Inner Mongolia reports 12 confirmed COVID-19 cases
As of 7 a.m. Oct 20, Inner Mongolia had 12 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases under medical treatment, the regional health commission said.
China to bring coal prices back to appropriate range
China's top economic planner has said it will use all necessary means provided by the price law to bring coal prices back to an appropriate range and ensure a secure and stable energy supply on Oct. 20.
China to further intensify relief policy support for smaller businesses
China will take a multi-pronged and targeted approach to step up relief to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Oct. 20.
A large number of osmanthus trees were discovered on October 12 in the Lancang River Nature Reserve in southwest Yunnan’s Changning county.
Victoria 'Dreamer' gains int’l recognition as new lotus variety
Victoria 'Dreamer', a new variety of giant water lily bred in south Yunnan, was recently recognized by th...
A draft amendment to the Anti-monopoly Law was submitted on Tuesday to the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, for the first reading.
A Chinese military spokesperson on Tuesday urged the United States to clarify an incident involving a U.S. nuclear submarine, and to cease conducting the so-called "freedom of navigation" operations in the South China Sea.
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