Over 160 representatives from the highest judicial institutions of 27 countries have jointly declared they'll boost international collaboration to preserve biodiversity, fight climate change and prevent and remedy pollution.
World Judicial Conference on Environment closes in Yunnan
Themed "The Role of the Judiciary in Advancing Ecological Civilization: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth," the conference was held from Wednesday to Thursday.
China on Thursday urged the United States to immediately work with the World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID-19 origin tracing in a science-based way like China did.
China's peaceful development sets example for world
China's rapid development offers the world great inspiration that a country could achieve prosperity through modernization instead of waging wars, said an official of Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU-PF party.
Blueberry industry goes for world-class brand
In the base of Qujing Jiawo Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd, farmers pick ripe blueberries and put them into boxes, and then gather them at the warehouse for other employees to classify and pack.
Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys under better protection
Back to the 1980s, however, the habitat for the rare monkey species was marred by hunting and logging, and the monkeys became increasingly afraid of humans.
Average life expectancy in Yunnan reaches 75.26 in 2020
The average life expectancy in Yunnan province has risen from 72.76 years to 75.26 years during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) period, said a May 25 new release for the CPC’s coming centenary.
Regional gap in vaccinations expected to close
The regional gap in the country's mass vaccination campaign is a natural outcome of its staggered immunization approach, deepened by temporary constraints on production capacity.
He continued that Chinese President Xi Jinping added to the Chinese experience the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which Galal considered as one of the most important initiatives in the world.
COP15: Yunnan discovers 3,718 new species from 1992 to 2020
According to statistics, 3,718 new species have been discovered in Yunnan Province from 1992 to 2020, including 2,519 new species and 1,199 newly recorded species.
COVID-19 vaccination going on in Kunming
"Batches of vaccines reached our community one after another and the community management informed us of the vaccination,” said Ms Dong on April 10, who was on vaccination at the Liujia Health Center.
CPC100: Party leadership, Chinese path in eyes of world party leaders
Over the 100 years since its founding, the CPC has navigated China, the world's most populous country, towards a path of rapid development, having achieved admirable success that has earned global respect.
China and Vietnam should enhance people-to-people exchanges, Xi said, adding that China should speed up implementing its projects to aid Vietnam so that the fruits of bilateral cooperation can benefit the people of both countries.
COP15: Life flower still blooms in Yunnan
“The life flower shows a left hand of human lifting a flower on the palm. Some of my female colleagues say this must be a rose because it is romantic," said You Wei, general manager of Yunnan Cultural Industry Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
Int’l reporters hope to stay longer in Yuxi communities
Starting on May 19, a group of international reporters visited the Yuxi communities of the Dayingjie town, the Yuanding residential quarter and the Wanyao village.
COP15: Protecting biodiversity requires collective ambitions, actions
Biodiversity and ecosystems are essential for human health and progress. However, the continued deterioration and degradation of nature have threatened the livelihoods of species.
Yunnan and Qinghai hit by earthquakes
Four earthquakes with a magnitude over 5.0 struck Yangbi Yi Autonomous County in the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday.
Thirty people in Yangbi county, southwest China's Yunnan Province, who were injured after strong earthquakes hit the county, are in stable condition, local authorities said Sunday.
Relief work underway in quake-hit Yunnan
Four earthquakes over 5.0-magnitude struck Yangbi Yi Autonomous County in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday Beijing Time.
World remembers China's Yuan Longping as
World leaders, representatives of international organizations and experts have been mourning the death on Saturday of Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, whose lifelong research in high-yield rice varieties help feed people around the world.
Hybrid rice in south Yunnan expected to break world record
2,000 trays of super hybrid-rice seedlings were recently transplanted in the Qianjin village, south Yunnan’s Mengzi city, and the rice are expected to achieve a world-record breaking rice output of 1,200 kilograms per Chinese acre.
Kunming airport transfers most passengers among its Chinese peers
The Kunming Changshui International Airport has transferred 2,170,000 passengers, or 19 percent of the total 11,700,000 passengers served by the air facility, ranking first among the Chinese airports.
Chinese premier, Pakistani PM pledge to enhance ties over phone
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday held a phone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, with both sides pledging to strengthen bilateral communication and cooperation.
CPC100: Party exchanges with CPC add strong impetus to LatAm-China cooperation
Noting that youth is the future of a country, Carvajal suggested Latin American political parties and the CPC enhance the training of and communication between young cadres.
Int’l journalists amazed by development in Kunming    
During the on-going international media tour in Yunnan, reporters said they were amazed by what they saw in the provincial capital of Kunming, and they also came across something cordial and unexpected.
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